The Raider Team practices physical and technical skills at both the individual and team levels. They perform tasks that may be found in a conventional Army unit such as the Physical Fitness Test, 5K Run, Constructing a Rope Bridge, Land Navigation Courses, First Aid Litter Carry,Orienteering and 5K Foot March. All cadets are eligible to volunteer for the team provided they meet the following requirements:
1. Discipline, physical and mentally tough
2. Be approved by the SAI/AI and have the desire, motivation, and capability of
becoming a Raider
3. Agrees to participate in Raider competitions
Sponsor: 1SG Chrapliwy
Activities/Competitions: Competitions will be conducted at local, state, or national levels. Upon successful completion of a competition, cadets may qualify for more than one Raider award.
The Raider Team practices physical and technical skills at both the individual and team levels. They perform tasks that may be found in a conventional Army unit such as the Physical Fitness Test, 5K Run, Constructing a Rope Bridge, Land Navigation Courses, First Aid Litter Carry,Orienteering and 5K Foot March. All cadets are eligible to volunteer for the team provided they meet the following requirements:
1. Discipline, physical and mentally tough
2. Be approved by the SAI/AI and have the desire, motivation, and capability of
becoming a Raider
3. Agrees to participate in Raider competitions
Sponsor: 1SG Chrapliwy
Activities/Competitions: Competitions will be conducted at local, state, or national levels. Upon successful completion of a competition, cadets may qualify for more than one Raider award.